
Thursday, October 6, 2011

A new blog dedicated to my favorite heroes: the angsty, troubled boys...

Don't you love them? Tortured by their past, their love, their inclination, something they did that comes back to haunt them. Beautiful and brash yet fragile somehow, hiding behind blank facades of silence or a joker's mask. Trying to fit in and knowing they will fail. Moving among admirers but none that truly love them, seeking the one who will dare accept them as they are and afraid they will hurt and drive away anyone who dares approach that much.
I will be discussing examples from books I like and I invite you to join in, comment and also suggest other heroes to talk about.

Rex Rising

Rex Rising
YA science fiction - In a world where parasites create new races, Elei is hunted for a secret he doesn’t possess.


YA Urban fantasy - The tale of two brothers sworn to protect each other against all odds